


1. Say no to drugs! 拒绝毒品!

2. Protect yourself, say no to drugs! 保护自己,拒绝毒品!

3. Drugs destroy lives. 毒品毁人生。

4. Choose life without drugs. 选择毒品之外的生活。

5. Break the chain of addiction. 打破上瘾的链条。

6. Drugs are never the solution. 毒品永远不是解决之道。

7. Don't let drugs take control. 不要让毒品控制你。

8. Stay drug-free for a better life. 保持无毒品生活,过得更好。

9. Say yes to a healthy lifestyle. 拥抱健康生活。

10. Drugs are not worth the risk. 毒品不值得冒险。

11. A life without drugs is a life worth living. 无毒品生活是值得过的生活。

12. You are stronger than the temptation of drugs. 你比毒品的诱惑更强大。

13. Say no to drugs, say yes to life. 拒绝毒品,拥抱生命。

14. Don't let drugs destroy your future. 不要让毒品毁了你的未来。

15. Be smart, stay away from drugs. 聪明点,远离毒品。

16. Drugs ruin families. 毒品毁掉家庭。

17. Choose a drug-free path. 选择无毒品的路。

18. Your life is worth more than drugs. 你的生命比毒品更珍贵。

19. Save a life, say no to drugs. 拒绝毒品,拯救生命。

20. Addiction is not a choice, recovery is. 上瘾不是选择,康复却是。

21. It's never too late to say no to drugs. 拒绝毒品,永远不晚。

22. Say no to drugs, say yes to a clear mind. 拒绝毒品,拥抱清晰的头脑。

23. Drugs only lead to pain and suffering. 毒品只会带来痛苦和苦难。

24. Life is too precious to waste on drugs. 生命太宝贵,不应浪费在毒品上。

25. Drug addiction is a disease, not a moral failing. 毒品成瘾是一种疾病,不是道德败坏。

26. Don't let drugs destroy your dreams. 不要让毒品毁了你的梦想。

27. Think twice before using drugs. 在使用毒品前三思。

28. Start a healthy lifestyle, say no to drugs. 开始健康生活,拒绝毒品。

29. Drugs kill, don't be the next victim. 毒品杀人,不要成为下一个受害者。

30. You are not alone, seek help to overcome addiction. 你不孤单,寻求帮助战胜瘾症。

31. Addiction affects not only the individual but also the community. 上瘾不仅影响个人,也影响整个社区。

32. Drugs can destroy your future, don't let them. 毒品会毁掉你的未来,不要让它们。

33. Say no to drugs, say yes to a healthy mind and body. 拒绝毒品,拥抱健康的身心。

34. Drugs are a dead end, choose a different path. 毒品是死路一条,选择不同的道路。

35. Don't let drugs steal your identity. 不要让毒品剥夺你的身份。【xD63.CoM 心得体会大全】

36. Say no to drugs, say yes to a bright future. 拒绝毒品,迎接光明的未来。

37. Love yourself enough to say no to drugs. 爱自己,拒绝毒品。

38. Addictions are hard to break, but it's worth it. 上瘾难以戒除,但是值得。

39. Drugs are not a solution, they are a problem. 毒品不是解决之道,而是麻烦之源。

40. Believe in yourself, you can overcome addiction. 相信自己,你可以战胜瘾症。

41. Addiction is not a weakness, it's a disease. 上瘾不是弱点,而是疾病。

42. Say no to drugs, say yes to a fulfilling life. 拒绝毒品,过上充实的生活。

43. Drugs are not cool or fashionable, they are dangerous. 毒品不是酷或时尚的,而是危险的。

44. Don't let drugs control your life. 不要让毒品控制你的生活。

45. Addiction doesn't discriminate, anyone can be affected. 上瘾不歧视,任何人都可能受影响。

46. Say no to drugs, say yes to a successful future. 拒绝毒品,开创成功的未来。

47. Drugs don't make problems disappear, they make them worse. 毒品不能消除问题,只会使其加剧。

48. Recovery is possible, take the first step. 康复是可能的,迈出第一步。