

The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to exchange gifts and greetings.~~想和朋友分享?由此,有请你读一下以下的“英语版端午节文案72句”,欢迎阅读,希望你能阅读并收藏。


1、These activities include wearing scented sachets, flying colorful kites, and hanging calamus and wormwood leaves on doors.

2、The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated in a variety of ways, with some people choosing to make their own zongzi or decorate their homes with traditional symbols.

3、The festival is a public holiday in China, Hong Kong, and Macau.

4、The shape of zongzi varies depending on the region, and some are even shaped like animals or flowers.


6、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to give thanks for the bounties of the earth and the generosity of nature.

7、A traditional Chinese belief is that eating zongzi can ward off evil spirits.

8、The Dragon Boat Festival is a day for people to reflect on their past and set goals for the future.


10、Dragon boat racing is a traditional activity during the Dragon Boat Festival in China.

11、In recent years, the festival has become more commercialized, with zongzi and other festival-related merchandise sold in supermarkets and online stores.

12、People often tie five-color silk thread around their wrists or carry sachets filled with medicinal herbs during the festival, as these are believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

13、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to enjoy traditional music and dances.

14、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to express gratitude for the blessings of life and the joys of friendship.

15、The history of the Dragon Boat Festival is closely tied to the history of Chinese civilization.



18、Dragon boat festivals are held in various cities around the world, including Sydney, San Francisco, and London.


19、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to learn the values of respect, harmony, and balance.

20、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to recognize the interconnectedness of all things and the interdependence of all life.

21、The Double Fifth Festival, as it is also known, is believed to have originated during the Warring States period in ancient China.gZ85.Com

22、The origin of dragon boat racing can be traced back to the story of fishermen racing to save Qu Yuan, who was a beloved poet and government official.

23、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for family reunions.

24、The Dragon Boat Festival is an important time for families to gather and spend time together.


26、The festival is often seen as a time to promote Chinese culture and traditions around the world.


28、Dragon boat racing is a traditional activity during the Dragon Boat Festival.

29、Many businesses and organizations hold dragon boat racing events as part of their celebrations.

30、The dragon boat race is said to have originated in southern China more than 2,000 years ago.

31、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to learn about Chinese history and culture.



34、During the festival, people also hang herbs, plants, and charms around their homes for good luck and to ward off evil spirits.


36、The lanterns are said to carry people's wishes and hopes to the heavens.



38、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to enjoy the beauty of summer and the fullness of life.

39、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to celebrate Chinese culture, heritage, and community.

40、Scented sachets, or xiangbao in Chinese, are small bags filled with fragrant herbs and spices.

41、The Dragon Boat Festival is an opportunity to embrace Chinese heritage and culture.

42、The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated by racing dragon boats, eating zongzi, and drinking realgar wine.


44、Legend has it that the festival commemorates the death of the poet Qu Yuan.

45、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for family and friends to gather and enjoy traditional foods and activities.

46、端午节的食品主要是粽子,是一种由糯米、肉、豆沙等馅料包裹在重 糯米饭团中的传统食品。

47、Traditionally, people eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.

48、Apart from Dragon Boat racing, many people engage in other sports activities like hiking and mountain climbing during the festival.

49、Jiaozi are similar to zongzi but are made with wheat flour instead of glutinous rice.

50、The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the Double Fifth Festival.



53、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time when people honor and remember the sacrifice and patriotism of Qu Yuan.

54、The Dragon Boat Festival has been recognized by UNESCO as a Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.


55、Some people believe that drinking realgar wine can repel insects and snakes.

56、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to honor the spirit of community and the value of working together.


58、The custom of hanging calamus and ai leaves during the festival is said to ward off evil spirits and prevent diseases.

59、People make offerings to Qu Yuan during the Dragon Boat Festival.

60、Many Chinese people believe that the fifth month of the lunar calendar is an unlucky month, which is why the festival is celebrated to appease the gods and bring good fortune.


62、The dragon boat race is a display of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance and is a favorite event among young and old alike.

63、In some areas, the festival is also associated with the harvest season and the planting of crops.


65、Some people believe that the Dragon Boat Festival can bring good luck and ward off diseases and disasters.

66、The Dragon Boat Festival is a celebration of life, love, and culture and is a time to enjoy traditional food, reconnect with loved ones, and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese people.

67、During the festival, people also engage in other traditional activities such as drinking realgar wine or taking a bath with realgar powder, as these are believed to ward off evil spirits and prevent illness.

68、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to appreciate the beauty and richness of Chinese culture.

69、The Chinese zodiac signs of the Ox and Snake are associated with the Dragon Boat Festival.

70、Traditional customs during the festival include hanging up pictures of Zhong Kui and drinking realgar wine.

71、It is believed that hanging iris leaves in the house can ward off evil spirits and diseases.

72、The Dragon Boat Festival is a time for people to exchange gifts and greetings.