





4、Your knowledge is admired by us, your we will convince us, and your holiday will let us celebrate together!Teacher, happy holiday!


6、Yesterday, you use the truth and wisdom to shape talents, and today I have to pour blood to the human soul.Those who drink their flows are pregnant with their source, and when they learn, they will read my teacher!

7、通古今之变 (打一古代著作)——答案:明史

8、A chalk two -sleeved breeze, three -foot podium in the four seasons of the rain, plus the five internal organs, the seven mouths, eight tongues and nine thoughts are very attentive, dripping sweat and nourishing peach Li Fang!

9、You gave me a pair of powerful wings and let me fly freely in the knowledge sky; you gave me a neighboring light, so that I would not be lost in the ups and downs; you gave me a colorful world, let me sail on the road to successset sail.Teacher's Day is here, sending sincerity, I hope you will always be happy and healthy!



12、Master!Forever master!The teacher is so heavy, and the students dare not forget. By send a blessing by your festival, I wish you good health, all the best, Tao Li Manyuan!


14、这是一位朴实、善良的孩子,热爱劳动,关心集体,虽然有时候学习成绩不稳定,但能主动查漏补缺,这学期有了明显进步。希望进入中学后,能不断调整自己的学习方法,不断提高自己的学习效率,同时坚信一份耕耘一份收获,付出总有回报。[作文5000网 m.zW5000.Com]

15、Teacher, if I can fight the blue sky, it is the wings you have given me away; if I am a warrior who hit the waves, it is the power you gave me a tide!

16、Regardless of the hard work of a hard work, the peach is familiar, Li Yushu is disabled, and it is difficult for people to plant flowers.Yougu flying incense is not ordinary.

17、Tao Li Man's world, hard -working gardens, knowledge in your heart, writing a text, the pillars of the motherland, hard -to -cultivate, the teacher's festival, blessing the annual delivery, may you be in good health, I wish you a good mood, I hope you are in a magnificent exhibition, you will show it.May you open your smile and wish a happy holiday!

18、Every day, every moment, every second, you don't admire vanity and tired your heart.On this day, this time, this second, I was full of gratitude and sent blessings.Teacher's Day, teacher, you have worked hard.


20、Ten volumes of poetry nine chapters of cribs, eight caulus history, seven weft geography, together with the six articles and five classics, four books, three characters, two characters, one heart, one heart, and a little heart blood.


22、该同学本学期进步很快,知道珍惜时间,勤学多练,并不断提高自己的学习效率。希望他进入中 学后能在各方面严格要求自己,同时坚信只要坚持不懈地努力,理想大门就会为你而开。


24、After you do n’t, the long years, your voice always sounds in my ear; your figure often emerges in my mind; your teachings, resident in my heart ... In today's day, this belongs to you,I wish you peace as you wish!

25、You are a rocket carrying satellites.You are a compass needle at sea.You are the most loved teacher in our child.Thank you for letting my children know, "Learning without thinking, thinking, but not learning.

26、Three -foot podium, dyed pale hair, Tao Li Manyuan, showing beautiful smiles.Praise you, love teacher, bless you, love teacher!

27、I am not your best student, but you are my most respectable teacher.In your festival, your student is willing to be young forever!

28、When the stars are hidden in the distant sky, the faint lights are still shining in front of your window.Because of your attachment, we have our bright tomorrow!Happy holiday!


30、Teacher, you are a harbor in the ocean of our lives. When you are tired, you add strength for us.The teacher is a drizzle after a long drought, giving us meticulous care and pouring, Teacher's Day, I wish you a happy holiday.

31、Even if people do n’t see, disappear, they miss each other; even if the wind does not move, the water does not flow, the text messages often depend on; sincere blessings, there is not often, but it is extraordinary; happily calls: Teacher, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festival, the festivalhapiness!

32、Life is like a song, Tao Li is like a song, you have planted those notes, you have educated our life like a hard -earned sweat, and you have planted those notes!Late night lights illuminate your gray hair. You are on vacation on the month, rest!




36、When the teacher's festival, the students expressed their most sincere blessings through mobile phones: I hope the teacher will always be young and eternal.



39、Teacher!Tribute to you with a respect of 120,000 points!Hello!Is my throat okay now?How is your body?Are children obedient?Do students work hard?The memory of the campus and your bright smile have always been around.

40、The symbol of growth is to embark on another new journey.Teacher, you can open up for us and be able to bend your journey to a new journey.

41、Stubborn perseverance can conquer any peak in the world. You taught bad apprentices at that time. Today I use this to control life.Teacher, you are working hard!

42、When we pick the fruit of the harvest, you leave yourself with the chalk -gray white hair.Tribute to you, love teacher!

43、Walking on the road of life, letting the water of time flow slowly, tracing your kind eyes at the source, vaguely remembered the past, your teachings are unforgettable, teacher's day, wish you happy and healthy, happy and happy.

44、You pour me like the seedlings in spring, use the summer Ganquan to cultivate me, watch the glory of my gains in autumn, and praise me like winter snow; thank you, the respectable teacher, I wish you a happy Teacher's DayIntersection

45、空中一只鸟,头大尾巴小,展翅入蓝天,会飞不会跑。 (打一交通工具)——答案:直升机

46、Your knowledge is admired by us, your wealth is convinced, and your holiday lets us celebrate together!Teacher, happy holiday!

47、Teacher's Day Wishes I am not your best student, but you are my most respectable teacher.In your festival, your student is willing to be young forever!



50、Dear teacher: Thank you for doing everything for me with heart blood and sweat. Your beautiful figure will never wear out in the hearts of students.

51、Spring silkworms are exhausted, and wax torches become gray tears.Teacher, you have worked hard!Thank you for your child's cultivation and care!