


1. "One world, one dream." —— "一个世界,一个梦想。"

2. "Beijing welcomes you." —— "北京欢迎您。"

3. "Friendship first, competition second." —— "友谊第一,比赛第二。"

4. "Faster, Higher, Stronger." —— "更快、更高、更强。"

5. "Citius, Altius, Fortius." —— "更快、更高、更强。" (奥林匹克运动的拉丁语宣传标语)

6. "Inspire a generation." —— "激励一代人。"

7. "Sports for all." —— "运动面面俱到。"

8. "Excellence in motion." —— "卓越动态。"

9. "Champions made here." —— "优胜者在此诞生。"

10. "United by the Olympic spirit." —— "团结在奥林匹克精神下。"

11. "A new level of competition." —— "新体验、新高度的比赛。"

12. "Where the best come to compete." —— "最顶尖的人士聚集,竞逐最高荣誉。"

13. "Celebrating diversity and unity." —— "庆祝多样性和团结。"

14. "Building a better world through sport." —— "通过体育建立更美好的世界。"

15. "Empower yourself through sport." —— "通过体育增强自我实力。"

16. "Inspired by tradition, driven by innovation." —— "传统启迪,创新驱动。"

17. "A festival of peace and hope." —— "和平与希望的盛会。"

18. "Together we can go further." —— "众志成城,共铸辉煌。"

19. "Where dreams come true." —— "梦想成真的地方。"

20. "Defy odds, define success." —— "突破难关,创造辉煌。"

21. "The world's greatest sporting event." —— "全球最盛大的体育赛事。"

22. "Experience the excitement of the Olympic Games." —— "切身体验奥运之激动人心。"

23. "Creating memories that last a lifetime." —— "创造一生难忘的记忆。"

24. "Bringing people together, driving change." —— "汇聚人心,促进变革。"

25. "Where legends are made." —— "名人堂诞生的地方。"

26. "The world comes to compete." —— "全世界齐聚一堂,竞技交流。"

27. "An event like no other." —— "独具特色的盛况。"

28. "The world's stage." —— "世界的舞台。"

29. "Where heroes are born." —— "英雄声名在此崛起。"

30. "A showcase of humanity's best." —— "人性最佳的展示。"

31. "One passion, one energy." —— "共同的热情和能量。"

32. "Breaking barriers, building bridges." —— "打破障碍,架起桥梁。"

33. "The ultimate arena." —— "最终决战的场所。"

34. "Leave your limitations behind." —— "超越极限,展翅高飞。"

35. "Stand tall, run fast." —— "挺身而出,奔跑前行。"

36. "Winning isn't everything, but trying is." —— "胜利并非一切,但拼搏至上。"

37. "The world's best athletes, in one place." —— "世界巨星尽集奥运盛会中。"

38. "A symbol of unity and progress." —— "团结与进步的象征。"

39. "A display of human potential." —— "人类潜能的演示。"

40. "A platform for greatness." —— "伟大的展示平台。"

41. "More than just a game." —— "不仅仅是一场比赛。"

42. "Striving for excellence, one athlete at a time." —— "一个一个运动员追求卓越。"

43. "Where hard work pays off." —— "辛勤付出,收获满满。"

44. "A celebration of human spirit." —— "人类精神的一次庆祝。"

45. "One world, one family." —— "一个世界,一个家庭。"

46. "The power of sport, the magic of unity." —— "运动的力量,团结的魔力。"

47. "A global celebration of human potential." —— "全球性的人类潜能庆祝。"