

"何必口吐芬芳?我们只需要枪林弹雨!" - No need for words, all we need is gunfire and bullets.~~喜欢这些短句吗?以下内容是我们特地整理的“枪王台词30句”,希望对大家有所帮助。

1、"枪不是谈判用的工具,它只是用来毁灭的。" - Guns are not tools for negotiation, they are only used for destruction.

2、"从现在开始,你要学会信任你的枪,因为它是你唯一的朋友。"- From now on, you have to learn to trust your gun, because it's going to be your only friend.

3、"有些人因为身处顶峰而自负,然后就会掉下去。" - Some people become arrogant when they reach the pinnacle and end up falling down.

4、"用弹药来解决问题,这是最愚蠢的选择。"- Using bullets to solve problems is the dumbest option out there.

5、"在这个世界上,只有一种语言是通行的,那就是枪口的语言。"- There's only one language that matters in this world, and that's the language of the gun.

6、"老子不是英雄,但我能做的就是保护自己和我所爱的人。"- I'm not a hero, but I'll do whatever it takes to protect myself and the people I love.

7、"我不是来打仗的,我是来解决问题的。" - Sometimes I am not here to fight, but to solve problems.

8、"你知道吗?当你开枪的时候,你打不死任何一个真正的敌人。"- You know what? When you fire that gun, you can't kill a real enemy.

9、"行动之前,是你活着还是死去无所谓,但无论如何,你必须行动。" - Before taking action, whether you live or die doesn't matter, but you must take action regardless.

10、"这把枪是我的,命运也是。" - The gun is mine, and so is fate.

11、"有时候,不要畏惧死亡,畏惧的是没有生命的存在。" - Sometimes, do not fear death, fear the existence without life.

12、"在这个世界上,死亡比生命更加普遍。"- In this world, death is more common than life.

13、"枪并不可怕,可怕的是背后插刀的人。" - Guns are not scary, but people who stab you in the back are.

14、"有时候,我不需要枪。但是当我需要它时,它必须在我手边。" - Sometimes, I don't need a gun. But when I do, it must be by my side.

15、"这不是玩具,这是生命的延续。" - This is not a toy, it's the continuation of life.

16、"生与死往往在枪口之间,胜负也是如此。" - Life and death often lie between the barrel of a gun, and the same goes for victory and defeat.

17、"如果你不能打败敌人,就像他一样。" - If you can't beat your enemy, be like him.

18、"无论在哪里,只要你还站着,就有希望。" - Wherever you are, as long as you are still standing, there is hope.

19、"我不是崇拜枪,我是崇拜那些背负它们的人。" - I don't worship guns, I worship the people who carry them.

20、"拔枪吧,我今天要让你知道什么叫枪王!" - Draw your gun, today I'll show you what it means to be a gunslinger!

21、"不要跟我谈忠诚和荣誉,这个世界只有血和钞票。"- Don't talk to me about loyalty and honor, in this world, it's all about blood and money.

22、"枪手不只是一个职业,更是一种信仰。" - Being a gunman is not just a job, it's a belief.

23、"枪是我的一部分,我的生命中有它,我的战斗中需要它。" - The gun is a part of me, it's in my life, and I need it in battle.

24、"强者只有在面对困难时,才会证明他们的价值。" - Strong people only prove their worth when faced with difficulties.

25、"不管是谁,只要和我站在对立面,就必须准备被打倒。" - Anyone who stands against me must be prepared to be knocked down.

26、"枪王的荣耀只有两种,一种是出名,一种是死得漂亮。"- There are only two ways to achieve glory as a gunslinger: either become famous or die beautifully.

27、"我不需要别人的认可,我只相信枪的力量。" - I don't need anyone's approval, I only believe in the power of the gun.

28、"从我手中拿走这把枪,你就是我的敌人。" - This gun is mine, and if you take it from me, you become my enemy.

29、"有时候,总是得为生存而战斗。" - Sometimes, we must fight for survival.

30、"何必口吐芬芳?我们只需要枪林弹雨!" - No need for words, all we need is gunfire and bullets.