



Dear Yu:

Is it surprising that I eeting you is the most fortunate thing in the y dear friend,thanks for leading me to a ner.Li at 6533-4628.Thank you very much.


以“My Friend”为题,介绍一下John。情况如下: 12岁,来自美国,棕色头发、大鼻子、大眼睛,个高且壮,长得像他父亲。可适当发挥。50词左右。Ⅲ.参考范文: My Friend

I have a good friend.He is a boy.He is from America.His name is John.He is tary写一封信,介绍你自己和你家人的情况。你可以谈谈他们的工作和他们所喜欢的食品。信的开头和末尾已经给出。你需要用下面的词: family,happy,teacher,doctor,fish,chicken,vegetables。要求60-70词。Ⅲ.参考范文:

Dear Mary,

I’m David.I’m from England.I y father is an English teacher.He likes fish very much.My mother is a doctor.She likes cooking.Chicken is her favorite food.My sister Julia and I are in the same school.y parents tell us to eat vegetables.They are good for us.Look!e is y family name and Lan is my given name,I’m 11 years old.I am from Jinan,Noy telephone number is 32704810.

Rose Best is my good friend,Her family name is Best and Rose is her given name.She is 12 years old.She ‘s from Canada.y friend.He studies at No.3 Junior High School.He gets up at 6:30 a.m.After a shoing finishes his morning classes and has lunch.At 2:40 p.m.,Li Ming

Stars his classes again.He goes home at 5:00 p.m.,and has dinner y Friend

Mike is my friend.He is an English boy.He is in china noike is tall.He has a big head and a round face.His father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher.Mike likes Chinese food.He has a happy family.预测作文二:

作为一名学生,你的每一天一定过得很充实吧!请根据下面表格提供的信息以My Day 为题写一篇60左右的短文。

My Day

I get up at 6:30 in the morning.Then I have breakfast at 7:00.I go to school at 7:15.y Favorite Teacher 为题写一篇短文。要求:1.书写规范。


My Favorite Teacher

Mr.Xue is my favorite teacher.He is my Chinese teacher.He is from Beijing,China.He is 35 years old.He is very tall.His eyes arebig and black.He has short black hair.He is in a bror.Xue often helps us.He is very nice.I think he is a good teacher.预测作文四:

请以My Family为题写一篇不少于60字的短文。

My Family

My name is Linda,I’m thirteen years old.I’ m from China.I live in XingRen,GuiZhou noy father is y mother is famer,he y name is Li Mengran,a college student.I y major is Chemical.In my course,experiment is very important.So as a Chemical student,ay,2012 Dear manager,My name is Li Mengran,a college student.?[提示] 易混: college,university,institute,school,academy 均含有“学院,大



I y major is Chemical.

?[学习提示] 易混词汇: drug,medicine,medication,remedy,cure,chemical 都有“药”



In my course,experiment is very important.

?[高分词汇] important是普通词汇,可以在某些语境中替换为高分词汇 crucial 或


crucial: extremely important/critical:

It is crucial that the report should be on time

essential: (something) very important/indispensable:

It is essential that you should take out a proper insurance.

It is essential for the applicant to ars is remarkably diverse.


He y mom is a teacher.She teaches English.She likes singing.She goes to y dad is a teacher,too.His class is so much fun.He likes sports.I like reading books and collecting stamps.Tell me something about you,y name is y birthday is in December.I can speak Chinese and a little Englishi,I like going to the movies y favorite subjcut in scool is p.E.It's fun.There are three people in my family,They are my parents and l.Can you tell me soon?
