






这个错误充分暴露出我对于英语学习的松懈放任态度,没有很好地将足够精力放置在英语学习上来,也在一定程度上说明我求知欲、上进心不足。(m.yJs21.cOm 幼儿教师教育网)






Dear M.R Pan,

After much soul-searching I can tell you a sentence “This is my first time to cheat,and it is also the last time.”

You asked me for the reason. Now, I tell you the fact: During Chinese exam, Fan Chuxin had a problem about poem. So she asked me for help. Finally, I wrote the answer on the paper.

I don’t know why I did it at that time. Now I realize that I've made a silly mistake. And I know this is a stain in my life. But it will remind me to be honest every moment in the future. I think I need to thank that teacher because she gave me an opportunity to correct it.

And I hope you can forgive me.

Maybe you will wonder why I write this letter in English. Because Miss Xie always said:“ We should always practice English.” I hope you will understand me.

Yours sincerely,

Ivy Chan






英语检讨书 -检讨书

the mistakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mistakes, committed by their own error is a shame.

schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school discipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules, but i did not, then schools and teachers in mind, there is no attention to the teacher to say, there is no emphasis on the promulgation of the important issues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be. is also a lack of respect for teachers. teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school discipline school rules promulgated minds.

after that, i would like to cool for a long time, the mistakes i have not only brought trouble to their own, held up their own learning. such an act and i also created the school and its adverse effects, damage to the school's management system. in the middle of the students also led to adverse effects. since i am a person's mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, the discipline of the school is also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents is also a types of injury, as well as other students in an irresponsible parent.

each school will wish to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environment to study and life. including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up and i myself have made a mistake this time to undermine the school environment that is should not, if the students do each and every mistake, then there is no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punishment.

i stayed two weeks at home, and own a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mistake, i know, cause such huge losses, i should have for their own pay for the mistakes, i am willing to bear although it is the responsibility can not afford, especially for major colleges and universities in the education of people in this error should not shirk its primary responsibility.

i accept criticism in good faith and are willing to accept the deal given by the school.

excuse me, teacher! i made a serious question of principle. i know who my teacher is very angry school. i also know that the students did not breach regulations, not inconsistent with discipline and do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. but i did not even do the most basic. now, made a really big mistake, i am deeply deeply regret it. i will take this incident as a mirror and discipline at all times conduct themselves and their criticism and education, and consciously accept supervision. i would like to know shame and alert, to know shame and to forge ahead, to remedy the situation of shame as a driving force, to study hard.

i have to go through this incident, to raise awareness of my thoughts, and strengthen accountability measures. or would like to make their own learning, learning for me to be the most important for the survival of future employment are very important. i can see now is very small, i still have the ability to fight. i would also like to fight once again to work hard in the hope that a good teacher to give me an opportunity to students, i will turn over, and really serious to learn, as full of life, this course at home is also delayed, schools the courses have been very tight and very hard to learn, learning to live in the future, i will learn, the classes are making an effort to hurry up.

just remember to enter the school, class and sub-class of teachers have high expectations of me, can learn to accept, but in discipline problems in schools under the iron law of the repeated injunctions, in school discipline and strict environment regulations i committed such a serious mistake, the school should be punished to me, and i do not know how many times saying, principals, teachers, i was wrong, i was wrong. mom, dad and i are wrong, i was wrong.

in this half, i get up on time every day, i think about life in schools for nearly two years. the school has deep feelings for the school in the future i will have a new look, in the schools, not to grade school and my class teacher was also dark. in terms of learning or other school i would come with strict demands on themselves, i will grasp this opportunity. it as a turning point in my life, hope that our teachers are the pillars of society, so i learn in the future life of the school's efforts to become more, not only taught us to learn the knowledge, but also to learn how to behave, who have committed such an error , for the expectations of parents for me is a tremendous blow to the parents hard-earned money so that we can live some of the superior than others, better himself so that we can input to the study. however, the mistakes i did go against the wishes of parents, but also the parents of a negative energy.

i am so ashamed. i believe that the teachers see this attitude can also be aware of this incident i have very strong attitude of repentance, i believe my heart to repent, i is not to challenge the teacher's discipline is a wrong step in life's own time, i hope the teachers can be forgiven for my mistake, i assure you that this matter will not have a second occurrence. for all this i will also further in-depth summary of soul-searching, i urge the teachers believe i can learn lessons and correct mistakes, the next thing to redouble their efforts to do a good job. also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care for and support me, and my question about discretion.












“读”是外语学习中获得信息的一种手段,也是外语学习者必须掌握的基本 技能,因此在各类考试中阅读 题必不可少。这种阅读是在有限的时间内进行的, 这就要求阅读者必须具有一定的速度和准确性。要想达到这 个标准必须改正不 良的阅读方法和习惯,提高阅读效率。

影响阅读速度的最大障碍莫过于生词了。若把阅读过程比作一条奔流的小 溪,那么生词便是顽石、沟坎, 使溪流不断回漩激起浪花;冲过去便渐入佳境, 冲不过去便成为一潭死水。

跨越生词障碍可以通过猜测词义来解决。猜测词义的方法有很多,比如根据 语境、定义标记词(means,re fer to,…)、重复标记词(in other words,thatis to say,…)、列举标记词(for example,such as,…) 以及同位语、同义词、反义词或常识等。

例1:A middle-aged1 professor said that

matter how much he gave her for the household expenses,she always ranshort.

在此句中我们很容易猜出extravagant的意思是“奢侈,浪费”,因为从句 中说“不论他给她多少钱作家务 开销她都不够花”。

例2:Prometheus stayed chained to the rock for many years.Then atlast the mighty2 Hercules c ame forth3 and broke the

在这段话中有前面的stayed chained作提示,还有我们熟知的希腊神话里 的“被缚的普罗米修斯”以及大 力神赫格拉斯解放普罗米修斯的故事,使我们 很容易想到,bonds这个词一定是“锁链”。

例3:The tiny droplets4 that form on

to produce a cloud are far apart from each other.


some people to kill pain,in other words,it can help the patients'muscles relax during opera tion.

anesthetic能使人在手术过程中肌肉放松、止痛,由此我们得知该词是“麻 醉剂”。

除了上述方法外还可根据构词法猜测词义。例如:child-childless(无子 女的,-less表示“无…”), Marx-Marxism(马克思主义,-ism表示“…主 义),large-enlarge(扩大,en-表示”使…“),tell-foret ell(预告,fore- 表示”前“),Australian+satellite→Aussate(澳星),state+run→state-run (国有的 )等等。

有时很难猜出一个词的真正意义,这时只要我们能看出它的词性、在句中的 作用,不影响阅读就足够了。 例如:

A German told me that all over China

will give you higher blood pressure.

我们不难看出gourmet是一种能吃的东西,至于它到底是什么,完全可以不 管。

生词问题解决了,就为以后的阅读铺平了道路,但还存在一个阅读习惯和技 巧问题。造成阅读速度慢的另 一原因就是逐词阅读。

常见有人阅读时总是一个词一个词地读,且常伴有一些习惯动作:用手指、摆头等,这些都是速读的障碍 。成组视读是一种科学的阅读方法。它首先要求 把所读的句子尽可能分成意义较完整的组群,目光要尽可能少 地停顿。试比较: (1)DO/you/read/word/by/word?(目光停顿6次)

(2)Can you read/phrase by phrase?(目光停2次)

其次,读的时候不要把目光停在第一个词上,而应停在第二个词上;用两眼 余光看这个词两侧的词。眼睛 不要盯在字行上,要高一些,这些映入眼帘的便 是词组而不是单个的词。

第三,读的时候要少眨眼、不摆头,只要眼球来回转动就可以了。保持坐姿 端正,书本应放到眼睛正前方 ,眼睛与书本距离大约一尺为宜。这样才能保证 同一适当距离、同一视角范围内尽可能多地摄入文字信息。如 图:

第四,成组视读的关键在于它既不是默读(心读)更不是朗读,而是通过目 光在外语与大脑之间建立直接 的联系,即外语思维。这是一个简捷快速的过程, 非经过大量阅读训练的妙手岂能偶而得之?试比较以下两种 阅读过程:


Four weeks ago/I was late for work.

/I left my house/five minutes later than usual,/and I saw /my bus coming/toward the bus stop.

/I beganto run,/but I was too slow.

/I waited ten minutes/for another bus,/andIwas gasping6 for air/when it arrived.

成组视读是一种良好的阅读方法,既提高了速度又有助于理解。但有的文章 在特定的条件下(比如时间短 、文章又很长)要求阅读者要有更高的阅读技能。

熟练的阅读者在阅读过程中能根据自己阅读目的、读物内容和文体调整阅读 速度,并利用头脑中已有的相 关知识,借助尽可能少的文字信息进行选择、推 测和推理,必要时还可跳出读物客观地判断作者意图。这便是 跳读和略读。跳 读和略读的关键是要抓住文章的开头和结尾以及各段的关键词和主题句。主题句 可能在各段开 头也可能出现在结尾。

以Watching Ants(详见统编教材高中英语第一册第14课)为例。文章一 开始便开门见山”揭开石头便会 发现一个蚁城",使人立刻会想到这是一篇介 绍蚂蚁习性的文章。紧接着那一段第一句便点明这段主旨:Whil e ants grow,theychange their form three times.(Topic sentence)下面各段分别介 绍蚁后(the queen) 、蚂蚁采食(how to milk bugs)、蚁城饮食情况(how the wholecity is fed)以及相互交谈方式(taptal king)等,这便是这篇文章的 轮廓。


每个人都写过检讨书,和小编一起来看看英语检讨书的内容 的内容吧!

the mtakes that he would like a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things that they are very remorseful, very air itself committed to the iron law school, but also a profound understanding of the seriousness of their mtakes, committed by their own error  a shame.

schools in a school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school dcipline school to remind students not in violation of school rules, but i did not, then schools and teachers in mind, there  no attention to the teacher to say, there  no emphas on the promulgation of the important sues in schools, as if they were heeded, these should not be.  also a lack of respect for teachers. teachers should bear in mind that in mind, then, the school dcipline school rules promulgated minds.

after that, i would like to cool for a long time, the mtakes i have not only brought trouble to their own, held up their own learning. such an act and i also created the school and its adverse effects, damage to the school's management system. in the middle of the students also led to adverse effects. since i am a person's mtakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class dcipline, grade dcipline, the dcipline of the school  also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents  also a types of injury, as well as other students in an irresponsible parent.

each school will wh to see their students achieve high academic achievers, all-round development and establh a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. students have every hope that a good school for their own learning environment to study and life. including myself, have to have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up and i myself have made a mtake th time to undermine the school environment that  should not, if the students do each and every mtake, then there  no formation of a good learning environment for students violating school regulations should also be given punhment.

i stayed two weeks at home, and own a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mtake, i know, cause such huge losses, i should have for their own pay for the mtakes, i am willing to bear although it  the responsibility can not afford, especially for major colleges and universities in the education of people in th error should not shirk its primary responsibility.

i accept criticm in good faith and are willing to accept the deal given by the school.

excuse me, teacher! i made a serious question of principle. i know who my teacher  very angry school. i also know that the students did not breach regulations, not inconstent with dcipline and do their own thing  a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. but i did not even do the most basic. now, made a really big mtake, i am deeply deeply regret it. i will take th incident as a mirror and dcipline at all times conduct themselves and their criticm and education, and consciously accept supervion. i would like to know shame and alert, to know shame and to forge ahead, to remedy the situation of shame as a driving force, to study hard.

i have to go through th incident, to rae awareness of my thoughts, and strengthen accountability measures. or would like to make their own learning, learning for me to be the most important for the survival of future employment are very important. i can see now  very small, i still have the ability to fight. i would also like to fight once again to work hard in the hope that a good teacher to give me an opportunity to students, i will turn over, and really serious to learn, as full of life, th course at home  also delayed, schools the courses have been very tight and very hard to learn, learning to live in the future, i will learn, the classes are making an effort to hurry up.

just remember to enter the school, class and sub-class of teachers have high expectations of me, can learn to accept, but in dcipline problems in schools under the iron law of the repeated injunctions, in school dcipline and strict environment regulations i committed such a serious mtake, the school should be punhed to me, and i do not know how many times saying, principals, teachers, i was wrong, i was wrong. mom, dad and i are wrong, i was wrong.

in th half, i get up on time every day, i think about life in schools for nearly two years. the school has deep feelings for the school in the future i will have a new look, in the schools, not to grade school and my class teacher was also dark. in terms of learning or other school i would come with strict demands on themselves, i will grasp th opportunity. it as a turning point in my life, hope that our teachers are the pillars of society, so i learn in the future life of the school's efforts to become more, not only taught us to learn the knowledge, but also to learn how to behave, who have committed such an error , for the expectations of parents for me  a tremendous blow to the parents hard-earned money so that we can live some of the superior than others, better himself so that we can input to the study. however, the mtakes i did go against the whes of parents, but also the parents of a negative energy.

i am so ashamed. i believe that the teachers see th attitude can also be aware of th incident i have very strong attitude of repentance, i believe my heart to repent, i  not to challenge the teacher's dcipline  a wrong step in life's own time, i hope the teachers can be forgiven for my mtake, i assure you that th matter will not have a second occurrence. for all th i will also further in-depth summary of soul-searching, i urge the teachers believe i can learn lessons and correct mtakes, the next thing to redouble their efforts to do a good job. also sincerely hope that teachers can continue to care for and support me, and my question about dcretion.







































































学生 xxx